Frequently Asked Questions

The Jay Street Pages is a business directory of quality Catholic-owned businesses and service professionals associated with the St. Joseph Shrine. In most cases, the businesses listed are owned by, support, or employ members of the parish.

The Jay Street Pages is free for everyone! Paid advertising options are available for interested professionals and businesses.

The business directory will be available digitally at and in print form available at St. Joseph Shrine and via mail by request.

• Online version launching spring 2024 • Print version coming mid-2024

Spread the word! Encourage your fellow parishioners to register their businesses or employers. Donate to support our launch and promotion. Follow us on social media.

The Jay Street Pages is an independent initiative of supporters of St. Joseph Shrine parish. It is not formally affiliated with or funded by the parish, the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, or the Archdiocese of Detroit in any way.

That is the plan. Funding for the Jay Street Pages will primarily come from paid advertisements. We are also accepting donations.

Email us! →

What is the Jay Street Pages?

The Jay Street Pages is a business directory of quality professionals and businesses associated with the St. Joseph Shrine. In most cases, the businesses listed are owned by, support, or employ members of the parish.

It's a new handy resource for finding quality service professionals and businesses within our parish community.

How do I add my business (or employer) to the Jay Street Pages?

We’ve made it easy! Fill out this simple form: → Register Your Business

How much does it cost?

The Jay Street Pages is free for everyone! Paid advertising options are available for interested professionals and businesses.

Where do I get it?

The business directory will be available digitally at and in print form available at St. Joseph Shrine and via mail by request.

When will it launch?

  • Online version launching spring 2024

  • Print version coming mid-2024

Would you like to be notified when the Jay Street Pages launches? → Sign-up for Updates

How can I help with this?

  • Spread the word!

  • Encourage your fellow parishioners to register their businesses or employers.

  • Donate to support our launch and promotion.

  • Follow us on social media.

Who is behind the Jay Street Pages?

The Jay Street Pages is an independent initiative of supporters of St. Joseph Shrine parish. It is not formally affiliated with or funded by the parish, the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, or the Archdiocese of Detroit in any way.

Does the Jay Street Pages make money?

That is the plan. Funding for the Jay Street Pages will primarily come from paid advertisements. We are also accepting donations here.

Have other questions?

Email us! →